
Kupidabin Wilderness holds a variety of different workshops, involving many different indigenous traditions and cultures from around the world. Have a look below at some of the workshops coming up and some we have had in the past.

We hold a variety of different events and retreats as well.

Regular Workshops

Medicine Drum Workshops with Sherrie & Chris

Medicine Drum Workshops with Sherrie & Chris

Drum making is a powerful transformative experience, and is an ancient tradition of the Native American people. It helps to heal the whole of your life, allowing you to let go of things that don’t serve you anymore, making you whole and empowered. The Medicine Drum is...

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Past Workshops

Medicine Drum Workshops with Sherrie & Chris 2020-21

Medicine Drum Workshops with Sherrie & Chris 2020-21

Drum making is a powerful transformative experience, and is an ancient tradition of the Native American people.  It helps to heal the whole of your life, allowing you to let go of things that don’t serve you anymore, making you whole and empowered. The Medicine Drum...

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Native American Drum Making Workshop With Richard

Native American Drum Making Workshop With Richard

with Richard Littlefeather (Native American Elder) The drum has been with us from the beginning.Throughout the world, indigenous cultures haveused the drum as a tool for communication, music, ritual, and healing.To the Native Peoples the drum is the heartbeat of the...

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