21st. of September is The International Day of Peace.
Our Peace Pole was erected at a dedication Ceremony on Easter Saturday 7th. April 2007
An 8 sided Pole which holds 24 Plaques. 3 on each side.
“May Peace Prevail on Earth’ is engraved in the Native languages of ‘ Friends of Lyell Deer Farm’ and Kupidabin in –
English, Aboriginal, Maori, Japanese, Finnish, Gaelic, Druid, Runes, Greek, French, Guarani, , Tuscarora, Urdu, Chinese, Russian, Tsalgio, Spanish, German, Iroquois Nation , Lakota / Sioux Nation . Czech Republic. N.A. Blackfoot Nation. Tamil . Turkish.
A Peace Pole is an Internationally recognized symbol of the Hopes and Dreams of the entire Human Family.
There are more than 250,000 Peace Poles in 180 Countries, proudly standing in silent vigil for world peace.
Peace Lovers of all Faiths have been involved in Peace Pole Dedications, including
X1V Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, President Jimmy Carter, Deepak Chopra,
John Denver, and many Mayors, Clubs and Associations.
In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed a Resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new Resolution declaring September 21st. of each year as The International Day of Peace.
Inviting all Member States, and organizations to commemorate the International Day of Peace, in an appropriate manner through education and public awareness..
A Ceremony is held on this day at Kupidabin Wilderness Mt Samson Queensland
The Peace Fire is also lit to Pray for Peace around the World.
Now the Pole is complete further Plaques can be engraved and placed on the walls.