Located among the foothills of Mount Samson, in Queensland (Australia), Kupidabin Wilderness is ten acres of beautiful bushland that is a recognised ‘Rare Eco Region’ under the Queensland State Government Environment Protection Act.
A sanctuary for a range of birds, wildlife and plant-life, the grounds of Kupidabin Wilderness were blessed by Aboriginal Elder Uncle Tex Chapman (Wakka Wakka) on the 7th February, 2005.
A ‘peace pole’ was erected on the grounds in 2007, which features plaques containing messages of peace in twenty four native languages from cultures around the world.
The grounds also feature a range of sacred ceremonial areas, such as a traditional Aboriginal humpy, a traditional Native American (Hopi) Medicine Wheel created by Tiwa/Hopi Medicine Woman Verlinda Montoya, and other areas including ceremonial fire-pits, a Hopi labyrinth, and more.
Surrounded by beautiful mountains and ridge-lines, the grounds of Kupidabin Wilderness are a very special and sacred place, holding an amazing energy that has a very relaxing and healing effect on all those who attend our events, workshops and retreats.