DRUMMING CIRCLES, outdoors on the land, between Earth and Sky
6pm – 8 pm. around a warm outdoor Fire – Sing and Chant to the beat of the Medicine Drums
If the weather is damp and windy – drumming will be held in the Culture Centre. Beginners and Professionals All Welcome.
$10.00pp or $25.00 per Family – Tea/Coffee Supplied.
Bookings appreciated.
The beating of the Native American drum (chachanga) symbolizes the heart beat of the earth. Hoops are made of wood and our drum skins are of deer, kangaroo, goat, horse, or cow. Native American drumming can also include songs which are hundreds of years old and reflect the seasons, our responsibilities and our respect for nature and ancestral lore.
The drumming circle offers equality because there is no head or tail. It includes people of all ages. The main objective is to share rhythm and get in tune with each other and the land we gather upon. The drum is a sacred tool connecting heaven and earth, and for maintaining the rhythm of the world order. When we drum and sing together under the sky, we can lift one another’s spirits. Our unified vibrations can have a positive impact on the energy all around the circle, above and below the circle, and within us. No previous experience is necessary.
Drumming Circle will be facilitated by Aaron O’Neil.
What to bring: A hand drum/beater, your flute or any other suitable musical instrument, water to drink, an open heart!
If you do not have a drum- we have a few 15” drums to hire and share for the evening until you birth your own drum. A Donation of $15.00 to hire would be appreciated for KCAI Fundraising.
Bookings required.. Maureen 0402 092 741 or Aaron 0420 319 454
This is a Monthly Fundraising Event for Kupidabin Wilderness Charitable Trust (KWCT) and will be held in the Cultural Centre if the weather is unfavourable.